
【第208回】Sheryl Sandberg, “LEAN IN”

The author is very famous as a COO of Facebook.com. Her career and life has been full of excitements, challenges, and difficulties. We can learn and think about our career and life through this book, especially chapter 4.

“Careers are a jungle gym, not a ladder.”As Lori describes it, ladders are limiting - people can move up or down, on or off. Jungle gyms offer more creative exploration. (No.785 by kindle ver.)

She is right. The image of our current career is like a jungle gym. Our surrounding conditions including economical change, company strategy, and needed skill set are changing dramatically. And also, the more complicated and diverse our life style becomes, the more difficult and tough to forecast our own life in the future. Then we can’t create and develop our career stably like climbing a ladder. We not only have to climb a jungle gym, but also can enjoy climbing our own diverse style!

while I don’t believe in mapping out each step of a career, I do believe it helps to have a long-term dream or goal.A long-term dream does not have to be realistic or even specific. It may reflect the desire to work in a particular field or to travel throughout the world. Maybe the dream is to have professional autonomy or a certain amount of free time. (No. 813 by kindle ver.)

As career image looks like climbing a jungle gym, our career goals will be diversifying. Though it is not stable one, we have to draw our career goals, in order not to be drifted by our environments. It will be helpful for us to be motivated by them. Then she suggests us to have “eighteen-month plan” cited as below.

I also believe everyone should have an eighteen-month plan. (An omission) First and most important, I set targets for what my team can accomplish. (An omission)Second, I try to set more personal goals for learning new skills in the next eighteen months. (No. 868 by kindle ver.)

Her suggestion of career span is very interesting and understandable. If the economical condition is stable, we can see our future career for more than 30 years, as our parents and grand parents once could. On the other hand, if we don’t have any plan, we tend to be drifted by our outer factors. I think that eighteen month is suitable for us.

In my personal life, I am not someone who embraces uncertainty. (An omission) But in my professional life, I have learned to accept uncertainty and even embrace it. (No. 895 by kindle ver.)

According to her, when we agree to be faced on uncertain situations in our career, we don’t have to like it in our private life. If we have to face many  uncertainties even in our private life, we tend to feel stressful by them. We only do with uncertainty in our professional career, in order to develop our own important career by ourselves.

Taking risks, choosing growth, challenging ourselves, and asking for promotions (with smiles on our faces, of course) are all important elements of managing a career. (No. 940 kindle ver.)

Her summary of career development is understandable. It will be important for us to adjust her summary cited as above to our career lives.

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