By approaching things as a curious beginner, you not only put yourself in the optimum frame of mind to learn and grow, but you also open yourself to unexpected opportunities and experience. (Kindle ver No. 456)
If you want to be successful, then you need to have old-fashioned stick-to-itiveness, or what Penn psychologist Angela Duckworth calls “grit.” Duckworth studies leaders in the fields of investment banking, painting, journalism, academia, medicine, and law to determine why some people accomplish significantly more than others with similar intelligence, creativity, and talent. Her research shows that leaders in most fields share one essential characteristic: grit. (Kindle ver No. 2052)
【第22回】Luck is no accident 2nd edition(John D. Krumboltz, Impact Publishers, 2010)
【第4回】“Creative Decision Making –Using Positive Uncertainty- ”(Gelatt, H.B. and Gelatt, Carol ,Crisp Series, 2003)
【第4回】“Creative Decision Making –Using Positive Uncertainty- ”(Gelatt, H.B. and Gelatt, Carol ,Crisp Series, 2003)
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