
【第171回】(2)The Handbook of Experiential Learning and Management Education

[Part II]

5. Experiential learning without work experience reflecting on studying as ‘practical activity’

Keijo Rasanen, Kirsi Korplaho

Can the students who haven’t experienced work enough study effectively in MBA course? This question is what the author study in this chapter. 

Adopting hypothesis into several trials, he found that three perspectives make classes meaningful for such students.

(a)Tactical perspective : How to do
(b)Strategic perspective : What to do
(c)Moral perspective : Why do it

The course which is based on these three perspectives make students touch their everyday life and prepare choices by themselves. ‘This should be relevant for those who ask about the ethics of critical management studies and education (Wray Bliss 2002; Fenwick 2005)’.




(a)戦術的観点 : どのようにするべきか
(b)戦略的観点 : 何をするべきか

上記の三つの観点からの問いへの答えを充分に持つコースであれば、職務経験がない学生であっても自身の生活をもとに振り返り、彼ら自身で選択肢を用意するすることができるのである。「このようなことこそ、重要なマネジメントに関する研究や教育における倫理について尋ねる学生に関連づけるべきである (Wray Bliss 2002; Fenwick 2005)」。

6. Making a drama out of a crisis? ‘Performative Learning’ in the police service
Ruth Colquhoun, Nelarine Cornelius, Meretta Elliot, Amar Mistry, Stephen Smith

The authors call learning method of using learner’s movement Performative Learning. In Performative Learning, we have to care about project preparation, design, staging, participants and iterative review.

They adapted this approach into custody training. Then, they concluded that there are three factors to improve actions and attitudes of custody service workers. One is reduced estrangement, another is learning, and the last is client care.


学習者の身体的な動きを用いる学習方法をPerformative Learningと著者たちは名付けている。Performative Learningでは、プロジェクトの準備、デザイン、舞台設営、参加者の役割設定、レビューを何度も繰り返すこと、が必要である。

このPerformative Learningを拘置所で働く職員へのトレーニングとして著者たちは行い、その結果を述べている。疎外感を少なくすること、学習すること、クライアントをケアすること、という三点が、拘置所の職員のパフォーマンスや態度の向上に寄与すると結論づけている。

7. Experiential Learning in the on-line environment enhancing on-line teaching and learning
Joseph E. Champoux

According to the author, there are six major learning theories.

1)    behavioural learning theory: learning happens when there is a predictable and reliable link between a stimulus and a learner’s response
2)    cognitive theory : learning happens when someone’s internal mental processing systems react to environmental stimulus
3)    humanistic theory : learning is happened as a result of person’s whole system, to say, his/her uniqueness, individual potential, intrinsic motivation, and emotions
4)    social learning theory : learning happens when someone’s internal mental processing systems are matched to social contexts which he/she belongs to
5)    constructivism(constructivist) theory : learning is happened as a result of active process of building from diverse viewpoints
6)    experiential learning theory : learning happens through the process of reacting to experiences with observations and reflection

He concludes that especially 5) constructivism theory and 6) experiential learning theory supports to teaching and learning functions. He suggests that eExercises, learning exercises using Web and other ‘e’ medias, are getting more important in order to do experiential learning more effective. Then he says that they should be formed ‘(1) individual exercises for the single learner, and (2) virtual group exercises that teams complete in the on-line environment.




8.Implementing Experiential Learning it’s not rocket science
Matin J. Hornyak, Steve G Green, Kurt A. Heppard

However we experience something doesn’t insure our learning. Quoting Kolb’s thesis, the authors say that ‘experiential learning may be more effective when it is integrated with educational objectives and classroom curriculum and activities, and contains opportunities for students to reflect on their experience and grow intellectually’(Kolb, 1984).

They enlarged and enriched prior Kolb’s theory through adapting experiential learning into trainings and learning experiences of USAFA, United States Air Force Academy). Then they conclude that setting the educational outcomes for learners to want to achieve is most important for success of experiential learning. Points of it are as below.

1)helping learners to recognize where and how to review and relearn
2)helping learners to be curious about seeking right models to apply into each situation
3)helping learners to communicate with not only internal members but also external organizations and customers satisfying their needs
4)helping learners to frame and resolve ill-defined problems
5)helping learners to collaborate each other through using their own specialities
6)helping learners to teach themselves about their project because each of them is an independent learners
7)helping learners to apply their experiences into their own professions


どれほど潤沢な経験を得られたとしても、それ自体は学習を保証しない。コルブの理論を引用しながら著者は「教育上の目的とクラスルームのカリキュラムや活動とが統合されており、学習者が自身の経験を振り返ったり知性を育てる機会を含んでいる場合に、経験学習はより効果的になり得る」(Kolb, 1984)としている。



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